
Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael present the Blueprint for "Togetherness"

Yes I know the title of the post is ironic and a bit unbelievable at first glance.  But I want to use this platform to discuss two events in history that took place over the course of last week and show how they can be extremely beneficial to our society today. The formation of the Afro American Organization for Unity by Malcolm X and the birth of civil rights and political activist Stokely Carmichael (who later became known as Kwame Ture). Both of these men had significantly different paths in their lives but they both arrived at relatively the same place. To those of us who are familiar with their story bear with me out of respect to those who don't. Stokely Carmichael was born in Trinidad and migrated to the United States and attended Howard University where he became involved in the Civil rights movement. He participated in 'sit ins' and 'freedom rides' in the southern US and was a member and later the chairman of the Student Nonviolent
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